Nosy Nettie
Tell you speak another language? (One that is recognized by the world) Do you speak it well enough to hold a short conversation, understand what is being said and can respond, and read it too?
I took Spanish in high school/college. I wish I could speak it fluently but I don't. I can read it and understand some of it, but usually I have to have a dictionary and look up half the words. I do have some hispanic/latin music. Of course most of the songs are only a couple of phrases, least the ones I bought. Sometimes I will watch the soaps on Telemundo or the talk shows. They are a riot. Otherwise, no I couldn't hold a conversation if my life depended on it.
If you don't know how to speak another language, would you want to? If so, what language??
I would like to learn one of those languages of our enemies. Oh wait we have a lot of them. Well, actually I'd like to learn Japanese or Chinese.
Do you sleep on your back? I do, almost all the time. As a teen I used to cross my hands over my chest like I was a vampire. For a while I pretended to be. Yea I was a total dork.
Do you sleep on your stomache? I despise sleeping on my stomach. I don't know how one can do that.
How about your sides? Which side, left or right? Occasionally I will turn onto my left side (I'm a righty, must have my strong hand available). But not for long, I will then roll onto my back again. I might roll onto my right side but that's just for a minute.
What side of the bed do you sleep on? Is it further from or closest to the door? I sleep on the left side of the bed because that's where I feel more comfortable. Occasionally I'll sleep in the middle, but I like being closer to the door and to my bamboo pole.
Why? See above.
Why is it that the clinic fails to return my calls a week later.....knowing full well I'm running out of medication (I've told them, and gave them plenty of time to either A. call in my Rx or B. call me and tell me I need an appointment)? I know, I get what I pay for (and I don't pay for my visit)
Why oh why must there be a pre-existing clause on insurance policies? I cannot help it that I suffer a disorder that requires me to take medication for the rest of my life. So why should I penalized for that????
Speaking of insurance.......I HAVE been reinstated BUT not until August 1. So essentially I have paid for a month of insurance (JULY) that I was not covered for..........
Where do the orange blossoms grow?
Have you ever thought you should have been born in a different era? Like the 40s or the 20s or the Stone Age? Granted, I know the times now are much easier with all the technology, but really, back then they were much simpler times. People didn't know they were "poor" or not well off. My father never thought he was. He only had two pairs of shoes. And both had holes in them. They also didn't have much in the way of toys. They always managed to make their own fun. They always had food on the table, but my grandfather didn't make a lot of money most of the time (he was a traveling salesman, and a tinkerer). I would like to have been around when photography was invented. Or a little later, as they started improving. To walk among Steiglitz, Steichen, Adams and Kasebier. Of course back then women were not included in a lot of the "man" things, but still, a woman was a woman back then too, wearing dresses and not having to worry about being gawked and drooled over (when I do wear dresses, I just feel the pervertness of men who look at me like I was naked, then again, a lot of women back then were not all that attractive, I would fit right in!, take a look at O'Keefe....)
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