Well, after reading kimmyk's comments, I can understand how the use of my social security number would help in medical situations within a hospital organization. I know this, from working in a psychiatric hospital and their outreach programs. Now why I didn't remember it. Because I was too shocked to think about it all rationally. Thanks for waking me up with that information KK!
BUT....I also know better not to give it out. It was a knee-jerk reaction. "Name" bladda bladda "Birthday Date" October bladda bladda "Social Security Number" yadda-yadda-yadda. I'm the one that told my sister not to give hers out to anyone unless you are borrowing money or paying taxes! Yet I spouted it off. I worked in a place that had highly confidential information. Yet every Tom, Dick and Juan there had access to it if they wanted. I don't care what they say about the HIPAA act and how no one will have access unless they absolutely have to, I've seen people without the need to know to look shit up. Hell I've done it a long time ago. I didn't do anything with the information I read, but it made for good reading!
ALSO, after spewing all the details of that conversation the other day with the doctor's office to my sister, my sister was like "well of COURSE they have your information, you work for them". Just like that.
*jaw drops*
DUH me.
Well technically I am a contracted by the hospital, they don't pay me directly. I have an ID badge that gets me in and out of the locked floors. Well, HELLO ME! That never even occurred to me, well because I was making a doctor's appointment at an off-hospital location, not going to work for them.
So, that clarifies THAT mystery for me.
I'm such a dingbat on occasion.
In other low-country news.........I have to write up a character letter for my sister. Attesting to her character as a mother and attesting to the character of her ex. You know, I hate writing these things. Of course they are biased. The 'jackass' (ex-husband) has served her with papers to take her back to court so he can get full custody of my niece. He just won't give up. He believes that since she will be 11 she can now decide where she wants to live. And of course, she wants to live with her father now. *big fucking eyeroll* She never would have even mentioned living with him if it weren't fFOR him. This is what she said when we asked her what about seeing her friends here, going to the school here, seeing me and her mom's other friends: "Well I can make new friends and the schools are better up there."
Schools are better up there? You know, when I was an 11 year old girl, and we moved, the first thing I thought about was NOT how much better the schools were going to be.
*disclaimer: the following information will be subjective; what I have to say is the opinion of this blog writer, not those of the blog host or anyone else related or unrelated to the previously mentioned parties above, and well quite frankly her opinion is RIGHT* Her ex is so self-centered, he really should start a Church of the Self-Interested Miscreants. I am not saying he doesn't care about his daughter, but he is not looking out for the best interests of his daughter. He is only looking out for his own. He despises the fact that my sister has custody. He despises the fact that he has to give her money. He basically hates that my sister is in control. He never asks his daughter how her day is, what she did, he actually asks about my sister and her friends and what they did, and tries to find out information on me and other people my sister hangs out with. He is fishing for any kind of information that he can use against my sister. Or he talks about himself. About his work on the house or what his other kids did that day. He shows very little interest in what his daughter does or likes. I hear it when they are on the phone.
I actually had to nip the fishing expedition in the bud, because he should not be asking his daughter personal questions about her aunt (me). So I interrupted a conversation she was having with her father when he was asking her where I worked, what school I went to, where I lived, etc. I told her that she should be talking about her, her day, etc. and that she is to not answer questions about me. "He's just being nice, he cares about you." Innocent little child. Anyway, I told her that if he asks one more question about me, that she is to give him my phone number (he apparently has it) and to call me up and ask me himself. She relayed the information. Of course this has not happened. I hate that she is in the middle of his assinine antics.
Of course I think my sister is a decent mother (questionable choices, but overall she has done a fine job, my niece is getting A's and B's, is very friendly and respectful to adults and other kids, and does NOT watch movies like "Jackass" with us, oh yes, her father lets her watch those kinds of movies at the ripe old age of 10, oh and lets her go over her grandparents house with their meth addict daughter milling about trying to get off the drug which as you know you can so do on your own). And of course I think he is totally taking up precious air on this earth. But I can't write that.
I'm a good writer when I write several drafts and put it all together.
I just hate writing it.
In other low-country news. My best friend's grandmother has gone to hospice.
My father is going to the hospital yet again, this time for prostate issues, and my alcoholic mother is losing it.
I don't want to be the strong person in this family anymore.
A cockroach ran across my toes........
1 comment:
That would suck having to write that letter. Puts you in a wierd place. He definitely shouldn't be asking questions about you-like wtf is that about? He doesn't like wanna hook up with you does he? Man that would suck. That's not right he's doing that to her though-putting her in the middle I mean.
Sorry to hear about your friends grandma. When Jamie's mom was terminal she was a Hospice patient and they were so wonderful in helping us with everything. I couldn't have done it without them. But still...
What's up with your mom? Sheesh and your dad?
Cockroach? What happened to calling them that Pa----whatever bug? Hate those sonsabitches. Jamie was down there at Benning for 2 wks and he'd be yakking away on the phone and then I'd hear 'em scream..."Fuckin' roaches crawlin across my boot!" Niice. Kill 'em Red!
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