"That was totally random"
My niece is a hoot. She will be 11 this October.
Last night my sis called asking if I wanted to meet for Mexican. She eats out way too much. But anyway, I was for it, after leaving the theater and eating junk all day (popcorn WITH artery-hardening butter and the powdered cheese topping, too much Cherry Coke, Chic-Fil-A WITH the lemon pie) I figured that yesterday was my "bad" day. Today I was right on track.
Anyway, so they were at the restaurant before me (which was a FIRST), I sat down, we ordered and I was listening to Mo talk about her first day of school. Have you ever looked at someone and totally blocked out what they were saying because you were thinking something else? Well that is what I did for a minute. Looking at her, I realized she will become a really beautiful woman. My sister is very attractive. Oddly enough, the sperm donor that helped create my niece isn't all that bad looking (his personality is just ugly). Granted he's not my type of man, but he has more than his share of the looks department (and let me tell you saying ANYTHING nice about him is painful). But sitting there looking at her, she is beautiful now, but she is going to be gorgeous when she gets in her teens and beyond. Beautiful people do have it easier, I believe. And I am sure things will just come her way. Which will be good and bad at the same time.
So I told her as much when she finished her story. I said, "You are a beautiful girl." She just gives me this odd look and says, "Well that was totally random, thank you."
I am going to try to photograph her some more. She is to the point where she is getting tired of me wanting her to do what I want her to do for photos. She'd rather just do what she wants, or not be photographed at all. But I've got to record it. Who knows, when she is 'discovered' I will make sure they know I'm her photographer/manager!
I'm tired. Went to the beach (it's been a while since I've done that, what with the tourists, the heat and work). It was delicious. Nice breeze, sun setting, the guys kite surfing. I've been doing fairly well on eating healthy but now I have to get my ass moving. I don't know why I haven't. I used to work out a lot and now I'm just not feeling it. Maybe once classes start.......
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