The 80s
what was i thinking>>>>
actually i loved the 80s. well i loved/hated the 80s. because i was such a fugly teen. but i loved the music and the small group of friends i had. and just being a teen. i loved getting out of high school. but i was so screwed up as to what i wanted to do. no one in my family went to college. o all my cousins went. but "our" family. my sister got an AA but that really doesn't mean squat now does it.
so here i am going through my things to pack/toss. i am going to sell my big ass stereo. ya know the one. the CABINET kind. granted i love it, but it's just too big. they have nice compact stereos now. i am trying to simplify my life, get rid of CLUTTER! so now i have to photograph all the crap.
i've also got records. you remember those? VINYL?!?!? actual LPs. yep. and i look at my small but VARIED collection and i'm like *did i really listen to this shit?* yup i did. haha. let's see one person told me not to sell em. well i am not going to sell my Led Zeppelin album with Stairway to Heaven on it. I browsed ebay and it doesn't look like it would get alot anyway. i won't sell my U2 Joshua Tree album, just because i really like U2. i have a bid on Guns N' Roses! LOL i never know what to sell this shit for. but anything under $5 isn't worth sending is it? i mean i see stuff for .99 and really. 99 cents? cost triple to mail it. at least. anyhow i have some stupid stuff. yes i'm gonna embarrass myself why the hell not. haha. where should i start? i don't have too many albums thank goodness. most of my stuff are cassettes. omg we wont' go there haha. and then of course CD's but back in the 80s it was all cassettes haha! do NOT make fun on my blog. that means you Ladylong! lol just kidding!
let's see. i was into hair bands. metal. dance. and just plain corny stuff. i did the *if i liked the cover i bought it* sometimes. of course i know you can't judge anything by the cover. but i bought Meliah Rage for the cover *i was in a dark place in my teen years most of the time* LOL. but the music isn't too bad. I have Britny Fox, yea yea. i did get a 12" single of Candy by Cameo (eyeroll). I liked soundtracks too, Stand By Me is one of my favorite movies of that time. I also love Dirty Dancing so I have both those albums. I was into the pretty boys. I can't believe i have an album by Richard Marx. *gag*. I also have Pink Floyd and Yes.
it's so funny to look back at such things........
Who was Yes? I lived through the 80's and I loved it still to this day. Abbie is just now starting to watch the 80's movie classics like "pretty in pink" and "16 candles". i forgot some of the things said in that movie-bout made me choke couple times. when we're in the car together we listen to a cd she has-it's vh1's 80's classics and turn it up real loud. we're just like our parents - sort of. my mom can listen to morrison and i'm like "whatever". nice memories...thanks.
As a former DJ in college (and in a former life!) I too remember vinyl, but I'm afraid to show my 7 year old niece a record fearing she won't know what it is and ask me!
You calling me old or something? lol I still listen to vinyls on occassion...and cassettes...the sound gives it character. I still have 8 tracks -can ya believe that shit...and my old 45's from when I was knee-high. Well, I was like never little kid we'll call it! I think I was the one that said...don't sell your vinyls -you would be amazed at how much some of them are worth! But you don't listen to me grasshoppa! lol
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