I meditate. I burn candles. I drink green tea...............and still I want to smack someone.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I Saw

this on the door of a truck today. i was driving around on lunch, and it was a business truck, Sign something or other. A cab and then ya know like a UHaul only it didnh't have the overhang on the cab, but on the door it says in nice cursive writing:

No Cash On Board
Driver is Married

now i seem to have read that one way, and my married co-workers read it another.....


kimmyk said...

how can anyone misinterpret that? means, the guy has no damn money-his wife took it all.

that's how it should be.


Ladyred said...

Well the funny thing is.....I was the one who read it differently

Seeing as I'm single, I did not read it the way you did kimmy LOL

Owen Billcliffe said...

Heh, first of all I thought - well, what's the connection? What a bizarre pair of things to announce. But then I looked back and I got it... I'm not married YET, but I'm not single, so I guess that explains the slight delay, but eventual realisation... ;)