I meditate. I burn candles. I drink green tea...............and still I want to smack someone.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

I smell good enough to eat!

If I do say so myself! hahah! I recently purchased some high dollar crap for the bath. Hoping it will last a while since my high dollar income *eyeroll* is soon to be $0, besides my loan and whatever part time job I could muster. I wonder if the Big Apple or Candy Apple or it was Apple something is still in Hinesville, I know I could dance there, they got nasty looking ladies so I'd fit in a little LOL.

But seriously though, my skin is somewhat picky. I used to run around nekkid as a tot because my skin was so dry my momma had to load me up with that thick ass cream cause I had sandpaper skin. It's much much improved now, but I'm picky about what I use, can't use Dove or Ivory, yup go figure. I use either Tone or Caress or I buy high dollar shit on occasion. I went to Origins (Estee Lauder's *natural* line). I don't use EL's crap though. And bought some Mint Sea Salt stuff. So now, I'm MINTY FRESH! Love the stuff. I also bought grapefruit bubble bath. That scent doesn't linger like this sea salt stuff. *lix arm* LOL er isn't that tasty though. And leaves my skin nice and soft. Too bad it's still pasty white haha! Oh and I get out of the shower and I'm like *holy crap, I'm tingly*. The shit tingles. o0o00o its great!

I've got more to post but I have to get me some religion today. And swing by the vitamin shoppe and hopefully go through my shit since my freakin father is ALWAYS in my room on the computer WHENN I'M FUCKIN HOME!! HELLO??? CAN'T HE SURF PORN OR PLAY POKER WHEN I'M OUT??? WHEW glad I'm leaving. Yes folks I moved in with my parents again in case y'all are wonderin wtf is her father doin in her room. That's where the computer is. We share it. But now I have my trusty laptop. But I need to clear out my crap in my room and it's hard to do when every fucking five minutes the old lady is buggin me about somethin, the dog is up my ass and my old man is toolin around on the PC doing almost nothing. Ah well such is life. I'm needing to hunker down and get my shit either thrown out, put on ebay, typed up and put up at school (NEEDING to sell these snakes) and packed. Then there's no room to put any boxes LOL. I can't keep my attention on this shit. If I sit in front of the TV that's all she wrote lokl. Good thing I won't have one a my sister's. I'm tellin her to keep me away from it. We help each other out like that! And if I get on here I tool around. O I have stuff to do like Ebay, but then I dick around. Blogs, Paltalk, grrrr.

Speaking of blogs, I found some cool ones, which I think are anyway, so i'll Post later. Also while meditating this morning I was thinking about lies, deceit, etc. I seem to have come across some things that I just don't think are true. I'm such an untrusting little wench I guess. So perhaps that's why I'm not married. Seems I can keep relationships, just never get to the next level. Hmmmm longest was what almost 5 years? I mean that's not too long compared to some others I'm sure. But it's only recently that I've actually had *just dates* or short term shit. And I'm a Libra. I don't put all my trust in astrology and shit, but I do think there's something to it. And I'm loyal to a fault so when someone dicks me over, ya gonna pay. Well not pay, but ya just lost a great friend or whatever. I just don't like being betrayed. Not that anyone does but hey. I'm like not naive, but I will be loyal to someone completely, or almost, since nowadays I've learned not to. But that's why I have very few friends. I can't do the small talk crap, I can't do the million *acquaintenances* because I just don't do drama. The friends I do have, I trust with my life. I don't develop friendships/relationships in an instant. Takes a long time, and lots of people aren't willing to take the time. Or be honest. Or be true. Lot of deceit out there, and all for selfish purposes. More on that later. Gotta take this mask of my damn face haha!


kimmyk said...

i just bought a bunch of shit to pamper myself-havent used it yet except my face mask. it's ginger and green tea. smells really good-makes my face tingly.

so are you staying with your parents while you go to school or are you moving?

the stripper thing? lordy girl, you'd make mad cash. you're tall, pretty, got long ass legs=$$$$$

kimmyk said...

not that i'm advocating stripping--dont get me wrong i'm just sayin...ya know?!?!

Firestarter5 said...

"the dog is up my ass"

"when someone dicks me over"

These are secret messages you're sending me Red....right?

ladylongfellow said...

One word for you chickie...Arbonne! You'd dig that shit! Yeah you can be a stripper...I'll watch ya..and tuck a few bucks in some places!

Charlie Mc said...

hey there, stumbled upon your blog, some good shit!! :)

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ladylongfellow said...

Hmmm...maybe I should strip with you too? Double your redhead pleasure...double your redhead fun? lol