Pick up ya damn dog's crap
ya know i wasn't gonna post anything today but i'm pre-bitchy so i am anyway. i went on my hike albeit almost 2 hours later than i freakin wanted cause i'm a retard, but anyway, so i went to the usual. worked up a nice sweat. i try to enjoy the scenery, i really do, that and make sure no one or no thing is hunting me down or whatnot (yea i'm slightly paranoid,it's all those Law & Order, CSI, Forensics, Animal Planet shows, Vampire and FOrensic books I watch and read). I really would like to enjoy the scenery more without having to stop. but i can't. why is that? because there are fuckin land mines in the middle of the walkin trail. now granted i don't mind horse shit, because well it's basically all grass and comes out of the grooves of one's boot pretty easily with a tap or even a stick. but dog shit? uh no. first off it of course stinks. secondly it aint' easy to get off your shoe. not as bad as gum of course but a close second. so either people are really fucking ignorant, which is probable, or they are fucking selfish and think the world revolves around them which is more likely. ya know what? my dog shits in the woods. he goes OFF the trail to take his crap. why? i have no idea, i didn't teach him that, but i guess i sort of did because behind my house is an island of sorts with the pine trees and it's not grassy. lots of brush and cover and bamboo etc. so there's like leaves on the ground and ivy etc. that's where i get all the damn spider webs on me. oh by the way in case any one is following. the fuckers wised up. just not enough. they moved their webs up most of them, but now i run into them with my face. even BETTER EH! anyway, even if my dog didn't crap in the woods, i'd either A. move it into the woods or B. pick it up. i don't pick it up most times because he doesn';t crap on a path. and if your sorry ass wants to walk somewhere else besides the path, well that's not my problem. i've seen deer, fox, rabbit, possum skat that i'm sure i've stepped in (cause ya know i'm a rebel and walk off path haha) but it's not often. they have the lovely plastic baggies at various posts throughout the park. hell sometimes it's empty. so why is there still dog shit in my way? i swear i want to see someone;s dog crap. as far as i'm concerned you own the dog, the dog owns the crap, therefore YOU own the DOG CRAP SO PICK IT UP! and if that owner doesn't pick it up, i would so love to do so, and hand it to them, or throw it at them. yea not a pretty picture but hell i'm tired of it. i mean it's just plain rude. i guess the only thing i can hope for is for them to step in dog shit. happy stepping?!!!
i do feel better after hiking minus the crappy bitching. i also saw three deer and stopped and watched a while. I was thinking of getting some green cami pants when i came upon them. so hard to find if you are not looking or listening i swear. i wonder how many times i've missed things. anyway i tried to see how close i could get. i think i was upwind because she was trying to find my scent but they didn't leave. maybe i was just too far away and since i was not moving i wasn't a threat. was funny though i felt like i was playing hide and seek. i'd walk behind a tree and she couldn't see so then she'd peak out from behind the tree she was near. then i'd walk back and she'd have to look back the other way. way amusing. yea i find amusement in the stupidest things. i stood out like a sore thumb but i don't think they can see colors (i had a nice hot pink shirt on, any stalker would be able to find me haha). only time she was nervous was when i made a move, like *o there you are*. interesting watching nature. funny how some dumb ass men and women aren't far from being animals.
ok i feel much better now.
i can so tell it's visiting time. i ate way too much salt and chocolate today.
and it figures i'm going to get the truck serviced this weekend but i probably won't be able to get myself serviced. just damn
LOL @ you! You take your truck in to get serviced more than anyone I know...I can only assume it's to "get serviced" yourself. Am I right?
If a bear can take a crap in the woods-I think it's ok for your dog (and mine) to do it. Where I live-ya get fined if ya don't clean it up--unless it's done in the woods-off the trail.
If a dog shits in the woods, do you know it? Probably not, but Red will step in it.....
Damn...I almost wanna post anonymous! Where I live...you can't leave doogie poo...you get a huge fine ...and of course someone will call the police and report you and your dog. Nosey neighbors here know your name...where your live...but they wouldn't say to you..."pick up the dog poo" let alone say hello to you. I'd rather step in dog poo!
well Kimmy, i don't get it serviced rather preventative maintenance minus the time the radiator popped off. that way unlike these other idiots i see driving around without having an oil changed, air filter, pvc, fuel filter, wires/hoses etc problems and wonder why the transmission goes out before they finish payin the thing off. and now i resort to havin no anon postings. sorry ya'llo!
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