I meditate. I burn candles. I drink green tea...............and still I want to smack someone.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

"Dumbass, Party of One, your table is ready"

We always used to give some weird name when we had to be put on the waiting list at a restaurant.

Hostess: "There is a 10-15 minute wait. Can I have your name please."
Me or Him: "Trouble"
Hostess: "What?"
Him: "That would be T-r-o-u-b-l-e."
Hostess: *perplexed look like she didn't believe our last name was Trouble*

~~10-15 minutes later~~

*squawk of the overhead speaker*

"TROUBLE party of two. *giggles* TROUBLE PARTY OF TWO"

Yea that was funny.

But that's not what I meant to talk about. In my haste to get my paper done for today's class, I forgot to finish the endnotes and bibliography last night. Well, the teach said that he would have a box outside the classroom, that we did NOT have to show up for the last class, but would like it if we did. And I had every intention of doing so. BUT I had the endnote issue. So I took the opportunity to miss that class and finish that part up. Well, I went to my second class to take my final exam there. Ran upstairs first to deliver my paper into "The Box" and was perplexed. There was no box.

*insert blonde-girl-just-about-to-die-ear-piercing-horror-scream here*

Ok so I walk into the classroom and see a box on the floor. I proceed to place my paper in there, when in looking inside, I see papers already graded. Um, ok that can't be Dr. J's box. So I rifle through the box, and nope it was filled with papers for another professor.

Well doesn't that just suck.

Dumbass Party of One.

No need for any others in the party. Because I can handle DUMBASS all by myself.

So here I"m gettin a little ticked, because I SWORE that the syllabus said we had until 5:30 pm on the day of class to turn it in.

Well, I go in and take my final for the other class. I leave. Go downstairs looking for a mailbox with his name on it. Nada. Zilch. How does he get mail? Anyhoo, I race home. Nah I don't race home cause the fuckin turtles are out driving today. I finally get home with my celebratory Burger King sack of food (yea I know I'm a dork. I need to refrain, but I couldn't think with anything else besides me stomach at the moment on something I can do to celebrate the end of the quarter cheaply). Later this weekend I'll be rollin around in the sack so it all works out.

So then I rifle through the mess that has accumulated since mid-terms (cleaning will commence now) looking for the syllabus and going over it with a fine-tooth comb.

Doncha know, not one damn thing in there about 5:30pm. Nada. Zilch. Damn what was I dreaming. So......I send him an email. THere is a statement in the syllabus stating "no electronic copies accepted." For our other essays we could email them on the day they were due but not actually turn in the paper copy until the following class. He was so lenient. I only did that once. So anyway, the rebel I am, attached my paper to the email with the obligatory "Sorry I didn't make class......yadda yadda.......I thought I had until the end of the DAY today (insert dumb blonde remarks, sometimes that works although I hate that it makes me look like a dumb blonde, but it IS self-imposed and I try to utilize the stereotype hopefully in my favor)........I know the syllabus says you won't accept e-copies......yadda yadda........I have the paper copy right here I can mail it/bring it Back up there..........blah blah...........if you won't accept, well I understand and accept that. Totally my fault.......blah blah.......then I put something in there about working all my life, understanding the deadlines and will take the necessary grade penalty........" Then attach my paper (never ASK if it's ok, that only opens the door for the word NO). And hit "send" and well see what he says. He's a fairly easygoing Brit so maybe he will let it slide for me. I did have a good presentation. So maybe that will work in my favor.....

What a dumbass.......


gus said...

can't be worse then me falling asleep in the bus that's contracted to transport us between the base and the hotel we're housed. didn't realize I was that tired, was hot, the ac wasn't working, we were sitting around for everyone to finish signing out for the day and I dozed off. Next thing I knew we were pulling into some place strange, I look around and see other buses already parked. Driver totally missed seeing me in the back and was about to lock up and go home for the day. Upside is, they do a head count now to make sure everyone gets off ;)

kimmyk said...

I wanna go back to school, but i dont..for reasons such as this. Anxiety.