Now I'd like to know who thunk up putting aluminum (or an aluminum based compound) in antiperspirant/deodorants??
Well the shit doesn't WORK!
With this hot ass fucking heat and humidity, I'm in misery. I used to love it, but NOT anymore. Well especially the older I get (is this what the heat flash is like??) and especially with the fact that MY AC IS NOT WORKING in the truck. I have to get it converted and it's simple: I don't have the money for that. Luxury must wait.
But damn. THey can find a cure for polio. They can find a cure for gonorrhea. Why the fuck can they NOT find a cure for SWEATING for several hours a day?!? I don't just simply sweat either. It's a damn constant seeping of wetness (yea, wish I was talking about something else eh?). But I ruin CLOTHES sweating. And right now I can't just go out and buy new clothes. Oh sure I was them, but the damn shit in the deodorant doesn't come out after a while. So then I get this nice white ring or patch under the arms and that looks oh so lovely.
I tried the 'natural' stuff a looooong time ago. I can't remember if it worked. I think the sweating was ok but the deodorant part left me kind of ripe. I can't remember really though. I was a teen. THen again it's been hotter than I can remember.
Now the Secret stuff worked for a long time. Maybe my body is changing again and I've used this stuff for my body to be used to it, but I haven't found another one to replace it yet. I've even tried G-man's stuff. That Mitchum, "so effective you can even skip a day". Is that the line? I think so, he always says it when I use it hehe. It does smell nice too. ANYway, I can't skip no damn day.
Other parts of me sweat but it's just not pleasant when it is constant coming from the pits. Even when I am in the AC movie theater, it seems I'm still sweating (then again I AM the only one working and running around).
A lady shouldn't talk about how wet she gets.
doesn't degree make an a/p deodorant? isn't that suppose to work wonders? i dont sweat. i mean i do, but not under my arms. the middle of my back between my shoulder blades and i hate that feeling. and if it's really hot under my boobs. but i'm just not a sweater.
how's that anonymous? ladies probably shouldn't talk about boob sweat either i'm sure but whatcha gonna do?
What's that smell around here? B.O.? Damn... ;)
I sweat like a pig at a butcher shop.
I'll trade you jobs, lately I've been drinking 150 to 200 oz of water in an 8 hour period of time and it's coming out of my pours just as fast as I'm drinking it in.
Having to do laundry a couple times a week since I go through several shirts in the 8 hours I am on duty.
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