*Drum Roll Please*
Well, I finally hunkered down and gave some serious thought to those long ago asked interview questions:
This set courtesy of Firestarter5
1. The Doomsday Clock has always been stooped a few minutes before midnight. In your lifetime do you think it'll strike midnight?
In 1953 it was 2 minutes til midnight. That’s awfully close. I believe that it will go up. Although it may go down a little more, I still feel it won’t hit the mark in my lifetime. I kind of think of it like those dreams I had as a child where I was falling and falling and then I would wake up before I actually hit something. I think that the Clock will get real close but I will wake up before it actually strikes midnight.
2. Women are called sluts if they sleep with many men. Men who have many women are looked at oppositely. Why the double standard?
I don’t know. I think it’s the media’s fault. I have never heard of a man calling a woman a slut because she sleeps around with other men. Men want to sleep with that girl because she is so “easy”. So maybe women started all that business because of jealousy/envy or hate/disgust. But I think the media has a lot to do with it. Women are seen as “bad” if they do anything that goes against the nurturing, wholesome traits that women are supposed to present. Pfft. Or if a woman is raped, it somehow gets construed as being the woman’s fault. She was promiscuous, or she deserved it because of the way she dresses, etc. It is deemed as “unladylike” for a woman to have multiple partners. That is so…….stone age.
3. If you could suddenly fly, would you tell anyone or keep it a secret?
If someone asked me about it I would tell them. Otherwise I would just fly by your window and mess with you.
4. You're asked to make a music video. Who's the band and what's the song?
Oh I would want to do Whitesnake’s “Here I Go Again”. One I just love the 80s and two, I feel like I can go again, catching my second wind or something. Well wait, am I IN the video or producing it??
5. Annie Leibovitz approaches you and asks if you would pose nude for one of her pictures. What do you say?
Hell yea.
1 - You are planning a dinner party and can invite any 5 people of your choosing. Whom do you invite?
Well, I don’t have a whole slew of people to choose from. Am I inviting real people that I know, or people I would want there like celebrities? Well I will go for real people, because I am not into all that celebrity shit, although if Jean Claude Van Damme was in my area, I’d invite him. So I guess that’s one (1). Two (2) would be my best friend Stacy of course. Since this is my dinner party, I would bring people I haven’t seen in ages. My good friends Sonny, Pokey (that’s 3 and 4) I would have to invite. This last person is hard to choose. I have to have a cohesive dinner party. And everyone I know comes from all walks of life that normally wouldn’t get together. Since we have the token man, I would probably just invite my sister over. She really doesn’t know my friends well and maybe this would give her some insight into my world.
2 - After a trip to the grocery store, you find that you have mistakenly purchased Neapolitan ice cream. Which flavor will be the last to go?
None of them (or all of them) because I would eat all three flavors together!
3 - You find that Hell is a place where you are forced to watch your least favorite television program for eternity. Which program do you suppose Satan will tune you into?
You know there are a lot of programs that are my least favorite. If I were in Hell, I’d say the man himself would stick me in front of Paula Deen’s cooking show and duct tape my eyes open. I truly cannot stand her.
4 - What is your favorite pizza topping?
I only have to pick one? Well I’d have to say cheese.
5 - Do you find it embarrassing to use the word "blog" in conversation?
Nope. At first it was a little weird but these days, “blogging”, “camming”, etc. are the norm.
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