I meditate. I burn candles. I drink green tea...............and still I want to smack someone.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The End of the World?

Well, it has come to my attention that December 22, 2012 may be the end of time. I don't know I just heard about it. Then read about it. And I find it fascinating.

Apparently the Mayan calendar is apparently regarding as the most accurate of calendars. So, why don't WE use it (too complicated I gather)? Or are we? I thought we were using the Gregorian calendar. Anyway, from what I gather their calendar started and will end on specific dates. So, according to them, time will end on the above date.

I don't know. I'd like to find out more information though, I just don't have a lot of time. Or perhaps it just signifies the end of SOMEthing. Maybe all this materialism. Or all this bullshit going on in the world, something to shake up the world, wake us up.

Of course, didn't Nostradamus predict the end of the world at the millenium?

Anyway, just thought it was interesting. We touched on Mayan art in one of my history classes and it was so fascinating. Each of the areas we studied could be classes in themselves so needless to say we barely touched on much of the Mayan art and history.

I'm exhausted.

Didn't get to call about the vitamins because I was up before the sun was and didn't get home til after the sun went to sleep. Waiting over an hour for yet another doctor's appointment at the county health department.......working the rest of the day......only to find in the mail when I got home a lab bill for bloodwork drawn two weeks ago from the free clinic. If they sit here and tell me that NOW I have to pay for labwork, I'm going to go ballistic on the mother fuckers. Because not one person EVER told me I'd have to pay for ANYthing while I was there. They even told me they don't use that lab anymore so I'm not sure why I even got a bill. I've got to find out who to call to bitch about that clinic.


Anonymous said...

Hell, I thought a calendar was just a calendar. I didn't know there were different ones.

I learn something everyday.

If everything ends in 2012, I better get busy having fun huh? :)

ysfb said...

2012 will be my death, huh. Thats a lot longer than I expected.