I meditate. I burn candles. I drink green tea...............and still I want to smack someone.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Just plugging along.

Nothing exciting to report.

This blog is pretty boring.

I did find out about the 911 position and I was right. On my previous application of three years ago, I put a different number of times for drug usage. So there was my "inconsistency" in drug usage. I did explain, however, they hold stricter hiring standards for the Public Safety office (while the County's other public safety officers criminal doings have been reported on the local media, probation officers and judges offering reduced community service hours for money, gift cards and food, but the public safety office has HIGHER STANDARDS). I came so close to pointing out the integrity of that office, but I refrained. Only stating that she was missing out on a decent person.

I'm over that though. But I can't get over not even getting a bite on my job search. Not sure what to fix.

In the meantime trying to find photographic events to attend that are in the area. I"m broke.


Firestarter5 said...

Hmmm, 911 position. That sounds fun.



ysfb said...

Hmm, drug usage. Your post makes my mouth water.

That's the crazy thing about jobs. They hire the person most qualified for the job and turn away a person not good enough on paper. In the end they realize the person they hired is a lazy ass while the person they let go enjoys the work they do and improves the business.