I meditate. I burn candles. I drink green tea...............and still I want to smack someone.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Or Not

well........I guess they didn't like my winning personality.

I'm going now to figure out what's wrong with me....

In the meantime, I can't apply for the railroad job again. So I guess I screwed myself. That's so a nice feeling! But I did apply for a couple of other jobs in their system. But who knows. She made it sound like I couldn't apply for that job again, why I don't know. What if I had an accident on the way there or something?

I just know I need something better than this current part time job. I feel like I'm going to be jobless forever. My boyfriend looks at me like I better get one soon. Or else what I don't know. I'm going to the job fair this weekend from school, but there aren't a lot of jobs listed with Photography as a major. Poor choice on my part probably, but that's what I wanted to do and I"m glad I did it.

I know it's not a good time for job hunting either. I am not sure what I did wrong at the interview session, maybe I just don't have that 'outgoing' personality. I did notice that most of the people in there, knew someone working there and I think everyone that stayed had an "in". The rest of us didn't know anyone. I also noticed the men who stayed had a "flair" for the dramatic. If ya know what I mean.

I guess I just didn't have the right appearance. I don't know. I could go on but I don't feel like draining myself. I'm still down and the weather isn't helping. I think I just need a new strategy.

All I know is life is beginning to suck now that the novelty of finishing school has worn off.


kimmyk said...

sorry to hear things aren't going so well for you right now.

do you practice your interviews? like do you go over the questions til you feel confident with your replies? i would do that. that way you have an answer all prepared and you look like you're on top of your game.

keep your chin up. somethin will come along!

Firestarter5 said...

1) Wear really tight jeans. Showing some 'toe' is awesome..at least to me!

2) If you have to kiss some ass during the interview, do it. You can always change later.

Anthony said...

I remember that let-down feeling of post-graduation. I guess I figured that the degree would somehow make people notice, but all it did was give me more free time.

I was fortunate to get a promotion at work that had absolutely nothing to do with my degree. Fortunate, maybe, although I wonder how much my life would have changed if I hadn't gotten the degree. Not much, I'm guessing.

Can't un-ring a bell.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

I'm proud that I got my degree in history. Even through it too is pretty much useless. Oh well. I'm going to go have a drink.